Institute of Physics

Faculty of Materials Engineering and Technical Physics


Invited speeches!

In the first month of 2024, we had the opportunity to give a series of invited speeches devoted to the DoSPaN research on surface alloys of rare earth metals with platinum.

On January 17, during the seminar of the Department of Surface Physics of the Institute of Experimental Physics at the University of Wrocław, the audience had the opportunity to listen to a lecture entitled Wytwarzanie i charakteryzacja 2D stopów powierzchniowych metali ziem rzadkich z platyną.

On January 24, as part of the Seminar of the Department of Solid State Physics at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science of the University of Lodz, a lecture entitled Preparation and characterization of 2D surface alloys of rare earth metals on Pt (111) was held.

We ended with a guest speech at the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań, entitled Preparatyka i właściwości dwuwymiarowych powierzchniowych stopów metali ziem rzadkich na Pt(111).

Additionally, we encourage you to visit our >>> GALLERY <<< where we have placed some souvenir photos from these events.

All lectures were held as part of preparations for the defense of the doctoral dissertation (ANNOUNCEMENT). The public defense will take place on March 1, 2024, at the Poznań University of Technology, in room 219 BM, at 1:00 p.m. – we cordially invite you, and we wish the speaker good luck!