Institute of Physics

Faculty of Materials Engineering and Technical Physics


ENYGF conference

The European Nuclear Young Generation Forum (ENYGF) conference organized by the European Nuclear Society and the Young Forum of the Polish Nuclear Society took place between May 8 and 12 in Krakow. ENYGF is an international event held every two years, integrating young people from all over Europe related to the nuclear industry.

For years, ENYGF has been an opportunity to present itself in the international arena, while enabling the transfer of knowledge and building a network of professional contacts in the field of nuclear energy. For the nuclear business, it is an opportunity to present its strengths and attract the best future employees.

A DoSPaN student had the opportunity to participate in this event and present the results of her research collected during the implementation of her engineering and master’s thesis, as well as the effects of cooperation of the DoSPaN team with the National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL) or the Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics in Warsaw.

The presented topic: Graphene on SiC as a Potential Magnetic Field Detector Resilient to High Temperature and Neutron Radiation, was qualified for the Neutrons for Progress thematic panel.

Read more about the conference HERE, we also invite you to our GALLERY, where you will find some photos from this event.