Institute of Physics

Faculty of Materials Engineering and Technical Physics


Another IEEE Sensors Letters article!

We are always most pleased with the successes of students at the early stage of their scientific careers!

An article has just been published High-temperature Stability of Sensor Platforms Designed to Detect Magnetic Fields in A Harmful Radiation Environment, which is a summary of several months of research conducted for the diploma thesis, as well as an external research project financed by the National Center for Research and Development.

The publication concerns a direct comparison of the thermal stability of two modern functional materials as potential platforms for the construction of a magnetic field sensor capable of operating in conditions of harmful radiation. The aspect of thermal stability is extremely important when selecting building materials for electronics capable of operating in conditions of harmful radiation, such as neutron radiation. We took a closer look at the two most promising sensor platforms: one based on a classic thin-film semiconductor (indium antimonide on a gallium arsenide substrate) and one based on a modern two-dimensional material (epitaxial graphene on a silicon carbide substrate). The conclusions drawn from the comparison allowed us to assess the appropriate ranges of usability of each of the platforms and indicate the most appropriate one to work in a given area. The temperature tests were carried out in such a way as to reflect as faithfully as possible the thermal conditions prevailing in the nuclear reactor, in which the subsequent radiation testing of both platforms will take place.

We are pleased that the basis of the article are the results of research also collected during the implementation of the engineering thesis at SENSOR LAB, entitled: Study of the thermal stability of the graphene/SiC structure in terms of its use in a magnetic field sensor.

We are doubly pleased that the article published in the IEEE Sensors Letters journal has also been selected by the American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers to be presented at IEEE SENSORS 2023 Conference in Vienna! The opportunity to present a paper during one of the world’s largest thematic conferences devoted to sensors is a great honor for a student who does not yet have a Master’s degree! Congratulations and we are awaiting a report on this event!

You can read more about our research >>HERE<<