Institute of Physics

Faculty of Materials Engineering and Technical Physics


EMSA 2024 conference

The 14th edition of the European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference (EMSA 2024) is behind us, it took place at the end of June in Kosice (Slovakia). The event’s host was the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University located in the very center of the city.

EMSA is the European forum for assessing progress and development in magnetic sensor and magnetic actuator technologies. Since 1996, EMSA has been held every two to three years in various European cities. The aim of the conference is to review research in the field, recognize its importance in modern industry, and identify potential future cooperation. The conference is an excellent opportunity to bring together scientists and engineers from universities, research institutes, and industry to present and discuss their latest results covering both fundamental and applied aspects of magnetic sensors and actuators.

The DoSPaN team presented 2 topics in the form of oral presentations, both in the Magnetic Sensors thematic panel:

  1. Investigating Neutron Radiation Induced Damage on Novel Type of Hall-Effect Sensors.
  2. Magnetic Diagnostics in Extreme Temperature Conditions.


We also invite you to visit our >>> GALLERY <<< where we posted some photos from this event!